In this post i will focus on replacing the ChromeOS with Linux. Before i was running Eupnea on my chromebook, it was working alright, but the boot splashscreen was quite annoying (and recently i encourage a ‘softbrick’ after kernel update).
If you want to dualboot linux+chromeos i would sugest to stick with Eupnea on external storage, like fast SD card or USB stick.
What do i need? Some patience Two USB drives - one with UEFI compatible linux of your choice - I will install EndeavourOS via Ventoy because i’m too lazy to configure a decent looking arch desktop on my own, and a second one to backup stock firmware.
UPDATE 2023-08-07: Eupnea Project has been discontinued, new install of Depthboot are not recommended, if you can, just use UEFI + audio fixes. Also their Discord and Github was compromised. If you are currenty using Depthboot it is recommended to remove their repository from package manager list.
Let me start with that - second-hand chromebooks are awesome value for cheap, long-lasting battery, portable Netflix and SSH machine.
I’ve got my Chromebook about a year ago for 55 USD, it is a HP Chromebook 11a G6.
To setup B2 as primary storage in Nextcloud you of course need to install NC first. For that, I used setup-nextcloud.php script - it is a nice, quick way of deploying nextcloud on shared hosting. Normally i would recommend setting it up as a docker container, but that will also work for testing. While installing Nextcloud just pick default storage place for now.
Creating bucket in Backblaze If you don’t already have Backblaze account, you can register here.
Issue $ minikube tunnel
✅ Tunnel successfully started
📌 NOTE: Please do not close this terminal as this process must stay alive for the tunnel to be accessible ...
🏃 Starting tunnel for service balanced.
[email protected]'s password: Solution You need to add minikube’s ssh key to your ssh agent
ssh-add C:\Users\user\.minikube\machines\minikube\id_rsa Issues with ssh-add Cannot use ssh-add, agent not running Make sure ssh-agent is running
Get-Service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service ssh-agent Permissions for ‘C:\Users\user.
Jakiś czas temu od mojego przyjaciela (dzięki Oskar!) dostałem ramkę ponieważ nie miał do niej zasilacza, a po szybkim sprawdzeniu w internecie co to w ogóle jest, oboje się zainteresowaliśmy. Tak, jak widać po zdjęciu wyżej, można na niej uruchomić DOOMa ;)
Ale od początku - co to jest w ogóle ta ramka Jak możemy przeczytać na stronie producenta:
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